Joan Jonas & Gina Pane

Parallel Practices
Publisher: Contemporary Arts Museum Houston.

ISBN: 9781933619439

Parallel Practices: Joan Jonas & Gina Pane considers the works of two pioneers of performance art. Jonas (born 1936) and Pane (1939-1990) lived and worked in the United States and France respectively. Each artist worked multidisciplinarily, producing sculpture, drawings, installations, film and video in addition to live actions. Notably, Jonas and Pane have been lauded for their foundational work in performance, a field in which both of these artists blazed trails. Published to accompany an exhibition at the Contemporary Arts Museum Houston, Parallel Practices explores the trajectory of these artists' practices to reveal shared and complementary aspects, as well as to highlight the significant divergences and differences that characterize each artist's work. It includes texts by curator Dean Daderko, Elisabeth Lebovici and Anne Tronche and Barbara Clausen.