Dorota Gawęda and Eglė Kulbokaitė
the Young-Girl smells, 2017
Hand engraving on aroma diffuser, power bank, oil-based fragrance BODY (produced with support of
International Flavors and Fragrances Inc.; in collaboration with Caroline Dumur), capacity of 130ml
International Flavors and Fragrances Inc.; in collaboration with Caroline Dumur), capacity of 130ml
Copyright The Artist
YGRG154: Body Heat, Amanda Wilkinson Gallery, 27 March - 21 April 2018Young Girl Reading Group 145, performance, Kunstkredit 2017, Kunsthalle Basel [project supported by International Flavours and Fragrances Inc. and Adam Mickiewicz Institute]Performed by: Sitara Abuzar Ghaznawi, Deborah Holman, Dorota Gawęda, Eglė Kulbokaitė, Manuel ScheiwillerCurated by: Julia Moritz and Stafan Burger